Filmographie Laurent Maget

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Region of Messok / south-east Cameroon

Sandrine Gallois, an ethnoecologist working in the HARVEST project at Leiden University (Netherlands) explores this part of the rainforest with the Baka and learns more about the meanings and values of the wild plant foods. This project will provide scientific data to help maintain biological and cultural diversity in the region, as well as contribute to our general understanding of the use of wild foods in human evolution. Equally important, however, are the tools Sandrine and the Baka are building together to promote and valorise their culture and ecological knowledge. "

ERC-funded HARVEST project (ERC-STG 677576, awarded to Amanda G. Henry), has developed an interdisciplinary approach, combining anthropology and botany. Sandrine Gallois is accompanied by Tinde van Andel (Naturalis) and Thomas Heger (Wageningen University).